No Pressure to Choose

When you’re handling an account with challenges like industry risks, high ex-mods, or multi-state risks, there’s already a ton of pressure. Reduce some of that pressure by partnering with us at Comp Central, where brokers are always in control!

Our Innovative, No-Pressure Approach

At Comp Central, you have the ability to choose from four A-rated, diverse, and customizable programs.

  1. PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and SUTA (includes EPLI)
  2. PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and your client’s SUTA (includes EPLI)
  3. Workers’ Compensation and Payroll, which includes ASO and uses your client’s FEIN and SUTA (excludes EPLI)
  4. Workers’ Compensation only

Through these programs, you have the ability to choose the exact programs that best fit your client’s needs, risks, and unique challenges. You’ll never face any pressure to commit to a program that doesn’t work for you. Whether you want the benefits of a full PEO program or simply need Workers’ Compensation or payroll, the choice is entirely yours! You also have the ability to move or add programs at any point, so you can always be ready to meet your client’s changing needs.

When you partner with us at Comp Central, you’re in total control… and you’ll also enjoy a range of other benefits, like top commissions, fast turnaround times, and a team with decades of PEO experience.

If you’re ready to get started and find customized solutions for your clients, visit us online at or fill out our partner form to learn more.