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For your clients, needs and circumstances can quickly change. Don’t let them get stuck with a program that doesn’t work for them! When you partner with us at Comp Central, our innovative approach ensures you’ll always be able to find the exact solutions for your clients, even if their needs change over time.

How It Works

At Comp Central, we offer four programs:

  1. PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and SUTA (includes EPLI)
  2. PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and your client’s SUTA (includes EPLI)
  3. Workers’ Compensation and Payroll, which includes ASO and uses your client’s FEIN and SUTA (excludes EPLI)
  4. Workers’ Compensation only

These customizable programs are tailored to allow brokers to pick-and-choose what works best for their accounts.

Best of all, you always have the freedom to change your programs. If you start with a Workers’ Compensation only program, then later realize your client needs a full PEO program, you can move or add programs at any time. With our programs, you’re in total control!

We specialize in helping brokers with their most challenging accounts, including those with high ex-mods, multi-state risks, or previous audit issues. We also write for a wide range of industries, from construction and recycling to cannabis and restaurants.

If you’re ready to get started and find customized solutions for your clients, visit us online at or fill out our partner form to learn more.