Help Your Insured Grow with Comp Central

Do you have a client who is ready to grow or expand their business? When you partner with us at Comp Central, we’ll work with you to make sure your insured has the tools and solutions they need to grow and thrive!

At Comp Central, we offer diverse, unparalleled, and fully customizable programs, designed to help brokers and their clients find peace-of-mind, growth, and solutions to their everyday challenges.

  1. PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and SUTA (includes EPLI)
  2. PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and your client’s SUTA (includes EPLI)
  3. Workers’ Compensation and Payroll, which includes ASO and uses your client’s FEIN and SUTA (excludes EPLI)
  4. Workers’ Compensation only

When you partner with us, you’ll have the ability to move or change programs at any time. This ensures you’ll always find solutions to meet your insured’s needs, even if they’re in a period of growth. With solutions for Workers’ Compensation, payroll, and more, we’ll put our years of PEO and industry experience to work for you and your clients. We’ll work in the background to handle key responsibilities, giving your insured the opportunity to focus on other core aspects of growing their business.

If you’re ready to get started and find customized solutions for your clients, visit us online at or fill out our partner form to learn more.