Benefits for Brokers and their Clients
At Comp Central, we want PEO brokers and their clients to have a great experience! This is why our programs are designed to offer innovative benefits to both brokers and their insured.
For Your Insured
Through a partnership with us at Comp Central, your clients can find exactly what they need, exactly when they need it. We offer four unique, A-rated, and fully customizable programs, covering a wide range of needs.
- PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and SUTA (includes EPLI)
- PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and your client’s SUTA (includes EPLI)
- Workers’ Compensation and Payroll, which includes ASO and uses your client’s FEIN and SUTA (excludes EPLI)
- Workers’ Compensation only
Through these offerings, your insured can find a program that meets their unique needs. There’s no pressure to commit to a program that doesn’t perfectly suit them, and your clients can move or add programs at any time. We also specialize in helping clients with previous issues, like high ex-mods or previous audit errors, as well as clients in high-risk industries like manufacturing, cannabis, and restaurants.
For PEO Brokers
While we help you meet your insured’s exact needs, we also offer competitive benefits for you! When you partner with us, you’ll enjoy benefits like:
- Top commissions
- Commissions for the life of the policy
- Fast turn-around times
- A team with years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the PEO industry
At Comp Central, we’re ready to be a PEO partner you and your clients can trust!
If you’re ready to get started and find customized solutions for your clients, visit us online at or fill out our partner form to learn more.