Helping Clients in Fast Food Restaurant Industry
A fast food restaurant can be a busy place! For your insured in the fast food restaurant industry, this means there can be many daily challenges, from getting employees paid on time to avoiding common injury and accident risks, like slip-and-falls from slipped materials, burns from hot equipment, or exposure to dangerous chemicals and other hazardous materials. If your fast food industry clients fall behind on key payroll, HR, or Workers’ Compensation tasks, it can lead to major issues, including increased risks, lapsed coverage, or audit issues.
At Comp Central, we know the risks faced by your clients in the high-risk fast food restaurant industry. This is why we offer four A-rated programs, designed to help brokers find unique solutions for unique challenges.
- PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and SUTA (includes EPLI)
- PEO with the PEO’s FEIN and your client’s SUTA (includes EPLI)
- Workers’ Compensation and Payroll, which includes ASO and uses your client’s FEIN and SUTA (excludes EPLI)
- Workers’ Compensation only
Through these programs, you can provide your fast food industry clients with extra support on Workers’ Compensation, payroll, HR, and more. As the broker, you’ll be in total control throughout the entire process, and will have the ability to move or switch programs if your insured’s needs change over time. There’s never any pressure to commit to a program that doesn’t meet your client’s needs, so you’ll always have the ability to provide your fast food restaurant industry clients with the solutions they need, no matter their needs or risks.
If you’re ready to get started and find customized solutions for your clients, visit us online at or fill out our partner form to learn more.