Overview of Product Offerings, with Focus on Workers’ Compensation only

Do you have clients who need specialized Workers’ Compensation assistance, but don’t want to commit to a full PEO program? At Comp Central, our customizable solutions offer the solutions for brokers like you.

Programs for Your Workers’ Comp Needs

While we offer two full PEO programs, we also have two unique programs tailored to your clients with Workers’ Compensation needs.

  1. Workers’ Compensation and Payroll, which includes ASO and uses your client’s FEIN and SUTA (excludes EPLI)
  2. Workers’ Compensation only

Through these programs, you can provide your clients with exactly what they need, without the pressure to commit to a full PEO. With our Workers’ Compensation and Payroll and Workers’ Compensation Only programs, find the services and support your client want need . . . and if their needs change at any time, you can always add or move programs at your discretion.

With Comp Central, you’re in total control! Our dedicated and experienced team has years of industry experience, and we’re ready to handle your most difficult accounts, including those with risks like failed audits, high ex-mods, or multi-state risks.

When it feels like no one else can help you find Workers’ Compensation solutions, you can turn to us.

If you’re ready to get started and find customized solutions for your clients, visit us online at https://comp-central.com/ or fill out our partner form to learn more.